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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

1st Father's Day of Many to Come

Well as our hospital visit came to a close we realized that a very special day was around the corner... Father's Day... We had looked forward to spending Preston's first fathers day at home taking it easy and we did just that. After church we met my brother, his family and my parents for lunch then headed home to give Preston his presents. We attempted to get Izzy's hand and foot mold so that we could make a plaster out of them. Well... like I said we "attempted". Her foot turned out great and her hand we couldn't get to open so we did her fist. That was perfect since that is how her hands are all the time anyways. After that we spent the rest of the night resting and catching up on lost sleep from the hospital. Preston said this was the best Father's Day EVER... since he has so many of them... LOL.

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