How old is Isabella?

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


These pictures got me through DAY 2. I made it 3 1/2 hours today. We were slow at work so I got to come home early. I took these pics before I left for work this morning. Today was harder because she was crying when I left. I wanted so bad to stay home and rock her to sleep. Daddy got to instead. What a great job he is doing. He loves this bonding time he gets to have with her. I don't know about ya'll: but i think she is starting to look more and more like her mommy. Finally I feel like I contributed more than just puking all day everyday to bring her into the world. She evens has some of my looks down pat. LOL

1 comment:

Travel Stories from Phil and Keba said...

Yes, I do see more and more of you i her.